Engineering of the MIND
The students will be using brain wave scanners with computers and MINDSTORM Robots to learn how your brain responds to the world around you. They will conduct experiments to descover how their brain waves can control computer images, play computer games and, at the end of the week, actually drive a robot using just their brain waves! This is cutting edge technology and will probably be the only camp like it in the nation.
Engineering with ROBOTICS
Get ready for a full week of robots ruling the camp! From beginning through advanced, our robotics camps immerse the kids in the world of mechanical life forms! First time? No problem! From 1st grade through 12th, we will teach your child the basics of robotics including building and design, how to program a robot and, on the final day, show off what they learned by competing in a contest using their new found engineering skil
WeDo Robotics
For the up and coming young engineer going in to 2nd and 3rd grade. Lots of fun and take home projects. Using the LEGO WeDo 1.0 set and other hands on projects to teach FUNdamentals of Engineering.
FOR MORE INFORMATION click on SUMMER CAMPS at the top of the page.

A Bit of History...
In the summer of 1998 we stumbled upon a box sitting on the shelf at an educational store with a name of MINDSTORMS Robotics and a website for FIRST LEGO League - FLL (www.firstinspires.org ). Already actively involved with creating new and innovative ways to engage children in problem solving activities at our school, it was an instant fit and our journey into robotics competitions was launched. We knew we had to start a team because of the intrinsic value we saw in the program as an avenue for hands on, project based education.
We registered two Colorado teams ...there were three teams in the whole state...we were two of those three. For the first four years of competition, we traveled to LEGO Land in California so our kids could compete because Colorado did not hold an official tournament in those beginning years. Now, because of multitudes of volunteers and corporate sponsors there are 250 teams in our home state alone! That first year, there were about 700 teams around America. This year, there will be almost 30,000 teams worldwide.
In 2011, while he was in the United States, we had the privilege of an introduction to Dr. Peter Keiyoro of Kenya. Dr. Keiyoro is Vice Chairman of a committee established by the Kenyan government with a task of finding solutions for the reform of Kenya education, bringing it into the 21st Century. During a hastily scheduled meeting in Atlanta, we took a MINDSTORM robot, who performed as a true gentleman if I might add, and other LEGO Education products we see as instrumental to helping establish solid STEM/ICT programs for children.
Within the hour, Dr. Keiyoro said, "WE MUST HAVE THIS IN KENYA!" He asked us to come and I told him that Kathy and I, "...don't know how we'll do it but we will come." Through several meetings that some would call coincidence, a proposal was drafted...an unexpected sponsor solidly onboard, and now we are going to the children and teachers of Kenya! Beginning in 7 pilot schools to launch project based programs using LEGO Education materials, our five year plan seeks to infuse the Kenyan educational frontier with hope and solid tools for a brighter, creative and problem solving based opportunities for the kids.
This is just the beginning. We would love to have you join the STEM for Kenya team in this safari...a hunt that will capture opportunities for a reformed and dynamic education system for the children of Kenya. Then...hang on...we're on to another country!